Maths Clinic

Maths Clinic

Sessions for Semester 2, 2023/2024

    • The Clinic opens from Week 4 to the end of Reading Week, including term break.
    • Students who require help in basic math modules may drop in anytime during operating hours for consultation.
    • This is NOT a private tuition service.

 All consultations would be conducted face-to-face. 

 *Additional session for Reading weeks: Tuesday, 4pm – 6pm 

4pm – 6pm

Ye Jeff York (Week  4 & 5)

Zhou Xinyu (Week 6 onwards)

Room S17-05-13

10am – 12pm

Ye Jeff York (Week 4 onwards)

Room S17-05-13

10am –12pm

Chen Mengyi (Week 4 onwards)

Room S17-05-13

4pm – 6pm

Ye Jeff York (Week 4 – Week 8)

Chen Mengyi (Week 9 onwards)

Room S17-05-13