Welcome our new faculty members Dr Huang Hao, Dr Yao Yao and Dr Yu Hui


Welcome our new faculty members Dr Huang Hao, Dr Yao Yao and Dr Yu Hui
Welcome our new faculty members Dr Huang Hao, Dr Yao Yao and Dr Yu Hui
1) Dr Huang Hao will be joining the Department as a Tenured Associate Professor in early September 2021 from Emory University.  He will concurrently hold the title as a Dean’s Chair. Dr Huang works in extremal combinatorics, probabilistic/algebraic methods, spectral graph theory, structural graph theory, and applications in theoretical computer science.  In a breakthrough paper published in “Annals of Mathematics” in 2019, Dr Huang settled a nearly 30-year old conjecture in theoretical computer science, known as the sensitivity conjecture.  His research has been recognized by a Sloan Research Fellowship and an NSF Career Award in 2020.   For more details, please see Dr Huang’s homepage at https://blog.nus.edu.sg/huanghao/ 2) Dr Yao Yao will be joining the Department as a Tenured Associate Professor in early September 2021 from Georgia Institute of Technology.  She will concurrently hold the title as a Dean’s Chair.   Dr Yao works in mathematical analysis of nonlinear PDEs arising from fluid mechanics and mathematical biology. In particular, finite-time singularity formation in fluid equations, aggregation-diffusion equations modeling chemotaxis in biology, as well as some topics on transport equations.  Her works have been published in Annals of Mathematics, Inventiones Mathematicae, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics,  Duke Mathematical Journal, and J. European Math Society. Dr. Yao’s research has been recognized by a Sloan Research Fellowship and an NSF Career Award in 2020. 3) Dr Yu Hui will be joining the Department as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in September 2021 from Columbia University. He will concurrently hold the title as a President’s Young Professor. Dr Yu received his PhD in 2017 from University of Texas at Austin under the direction of Luis Caffarelli.   Dr. Yu Hui works in theory of elliptic PDEs, calculus of variations and geometric flows.  His works have been published in journals such as J. European Mathematical Society, Duke Mathematical Journal, and Annals of PDE.