Coarse geometry and operator algebras

Colloquia & Seminars

Coarse geometry and operator algebras
Date/Time:16 Oct 2019 16:00 Venue: S17 #06-11 Speaker: Yeong Chyuan Chung, Leiden University Coarse geometry and operator algebras In this talk, we will discuss an aspect of the interplay between coarse geometry of metric spaces, operator algebras, and K-theory of these algebras. Roe algebras are operator algebras designed to encode the coarse geometry of metric spaces. In particular, they are coarse geometric invariants. The question of the extent to which Roe algebras remember the coarse geometry of the metric space is called the rigidity problem. We will describe joint work with Bruno M. Braga and Kang Li relating the rigidity problem to the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture on the K-theory of these and other related algebras. Add to calendar: