Recent papers in top journals by Department’s young faculty members


Recent papers in top journals by Department’s young faculty members
Recent papers in top journals by Department’s young faculty members
Congratulations to CAI Zhenning, Subhroshekhar GHOSH, TONG Xin, Marko WEBER, ZHANG Lei, and ZHANG Tengren for their papers in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, Annals of Statistics, Management Science, Annals of Mathematics, and Geometric and Functional Analysis.
  • Cai Zhenning co-authored “Inchworm Monte Carlo Method for Open Quantum Systems”, in Comm. Pure Appl. Math. (2020);
  • Subhroshekhar Ghosh co-authored “Gaussian determinantal processes: A new model for directionality in data”, in PNAS (2020);
  • Tong Xin co-authored “Statistical inference for model parameters in stochastic gradient descent”, in Ann. Statist. (2020);
  • Marko Weber co-authored “Swing Pricing for Mutual Funds: Breaking the Feedback Loop between Fire Sales and Fund Redemptions”, in Management Science (2020);
  • Zhang Lei co-authored “Arthur parameters and cuspidal automorphic modules of classical groups”, in Ann. Math. (2020);
  • Zhang Tengren co-authored “Flows on the PGL(V)-Hitchin component”, in Geom. Funct. Anal. (2020).