

  • QF2103
  • QF3101
  • QF3103
  • For students major in Quantitative Finance who have taken and passed any UPIP/FASSIP course or any NOC Internship course by the time of their graduation, QF4104 is an elective course.
  • For students major in Quantitative Finance who neither pass any UPIP/FASSIP course nor pass any NOC Internship course by the time of their graduation, QF4104 is an essential course.
  • Students who are qualified and would like to take QF4104 should register for the course during Course Registration Period.
  • Students are not required to search for their own project supervisors for QF4104. They will be guided by the course coordinator(s) on their projects.
  • Coordinator(s) of QF4104 may give one or two preliminary lectures to introduce the course at the beginning of the semester.
  • Following the preliminary lecture(s), students will meet the coordinator(s) regularly for presentations and group activities during lecture hours.  
  • Each student in the course is expected to take turns to give talks throughout the course. The talks should be comprehensible to other students within the course as they are expected to learn from such presentations. These presentations will be graded.
  • Participation in other students’ presentations, including attendance, asking and answering questions, will also be graded.
  • Each student in the course is required to write individual reports for the projects.  
    • Each student in the course will be individually graded.
    • Course assessments include presentations, group participations and project reports writing.
    • The actual assessment weightage will be announced by the course coordinator(s) at the beginning of the semester.