1st Risk Measures, XVA Analysis, Cost of Capital & Central Counterparties

1st Risk Measures, XVA Analysis, Cost of Capital & Central Counterparties

18 – 19 Apr 2016, Singapore

Registration has closed.
Submission of contributed talks has closed.

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, new issues were raised concerning accurate derivative pricing and the sound risk assessment thereof. On the one hand, several valuation adjustments (XVAs), such as credit valuation adjustment (CVA), funding valuation adjustment (FVA) or capital valuation adjustment (KVA), were introduced to account for the inherent incompleteness of financial markets. On the other hand, from the risk assessment point of view, one sees a growing concern for the systemic dimension and how to account for it in the capital allocation among different components of a financial system. A related evolution of the infrastructure of financial markets is the generalization of centrally cleared trading and central counterparties (CCPs).

All these changes pose important questions at the boundary between challenging academic questions and relevant industrial applications. To address these issues, the University of Evry, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and National University of Singapore are jointly organizing two companion workshops on Risk Measures, XVA Analysis, Cost of Capital and Central Counterparties.

The first workshop will be held at the Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore on 18-19 April 2016. The second workshop will be held at the Shanghai Advanced Institute for Finance in China on 27-28 October 2016.

For more details on the second workshop, please click here.

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Programme and Abstracts

