21 – 24 May 2014, Berlin

Registration has closed. Submission of contributed talks has closed.

The First Berlin-Singapore Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Risk is the first of a series of workshops with the aim of establishing a sustainable cooperation between Singapore and Berlin. This workshop is a collaboration between the Centre for Quantitative Finance at the National University of Singapore, the Humboldt University Berlin, Technical University Berlin, and the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics.The first workshop will be held in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the workshop is to strengthen existing and establish new collaborations between researchers from Berlin and Singapore, in the areas of financial mathematics, quantitative finance, and risk management. The workshop aims to provide students and young researchers with an opportunity to network, to exchange ideas, and to present their research in an informal environment, as well as expose the students to the latest developments in the above mentioned areas.

Invited Speakers

Plenary Speakers: Invited Speakers:  


Programme and Abstracts  


Venue Details  

Organizing Committee


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