Meet Yong Lam – Winner of the Lijen Industrial Development Medal, Ho Family Prize, and Tan Teck Chwee Prize
Meet Yong Lam – Winner of the Lijen Industrial Development Medal, Ho Family Prize, and Tan Teck Chwee Prize

Why did you choose to pursue your undergraduate education with NUS Mathematics?

I chose to pursue my undergraduate education in Mathematics, in particular, Applied Mathematics because it has always been a field that I am strong at and interested in, it is also a very fundamental subject for daily life applications and technology development. I am passionate about Mathematics and am confident about expanding my abilities, hence I chose NUS since it has been internationally renowned as a higher institution that provides quality education in Mathematics.

What motivated you to do a 2nd Major/Minor? Is this because you would like to pursue a specific career pathway, discover your interests etc?

Besides my primary major in Applied Mathematics, I have also decided to take up a Psychology minor to help me better understand how the human mind works, and how psychological concepts can be applied in our daily lives as well as in the education field. I believe the Psychology minor would better enhance my career aspirations as an educator.

How did the opportunities provided by NUS enhance your personal growth and development, academic growth / learning and career aspirations?

Thanks to opportunities provided by NUS, through minor programmes and specialisations, I am able to enrich my academic life and grow personally. I believe my specialisation in Operations Research and Financial Mathematics has been useful in sustaining my personal interest in Mathematics. This specialization helped deepen my understanding in optimization and operations research which I am truly interested in.

My minor programme in Psychology, on the other hand, gives me a better understanding of how the human mind works, and there are plenty of applications of psychological concepts I can use in daily life. I believe having such knowledge is helpful as I navigate through life

Combining my Mathematics major and Psychology minor, I feel increasingly determined to pursue a career in education. After graduation, I would start pursuing a role in the private education sector, with duties including conducting and developing curriculum for mathematics classes as well as business development and product design transformation.

Please describe your most memorable experiences as a student in NUS Mathematics. Did you face any challenges along the way? If so, how did you overcome these challenges?

NUS Math Society LaTeX and IT team, AY2022/2023 (Photo from @nusmathsoc IG)

Two memorable experiences that come to my mind would be serving in the LaTeX subcommittee in NUS Mathematics Society and working on my Final Year Project(FYP) with Dr Lam Xin Yee.

University life has been full of challenges such as the intense workload and the constant need to strike a balance in time management. As i navigate through these challenges, sometimes I might fall victim to imposter syndrome and doubt my abilities and efforts thus far.
Due to the nature of university studies, a lot of self-learning is required at times, so I always need to take the initiative to be responsible for my own learning journey (through self-studying, or staying on track with tasks, etc.)

To overcome this, I was disciplined in my weekly/daily schedule/routine, while still allowing some time for myself to take breaks and recharge. I would also keep my spirits and motivation up by occassionally rewarding myself with small treats to keep my spirits and motivation up. Nevertherless, discipline is more important than anything else!

Video calling my parents back in Malaysia definitely helped when I needed some guidance or life advice. Talking to them also helped me to relieve stress from university life in general.

Who were the key individuals who supported and guided you throughout your four-year journey at the university? Is there anyone in particular whom you would like to pay tribute to or express your gratitude?

I am most grateful for my parents, for their unwavering support and guidance in whatever I am pursuing or going through, and for their confidence in my ability to achieve my goals. My success is also, in some sense, their success.

Next, I would also like to thank the NUS Department of Mathematics’ Professors and Staff, who provided me with a lot of guidance and help throughout my pursuit in my undergraduate studies. Most of them really put in a lot of effort in their teaching and are approachable and helpful in addressing my concerns or queries. I really learned and benefitted a lot from them.

Special Thanks to Dr Lam Xin Yee, my FYP supervisor, for constantly being supportive and approachable throughout my entire FYP. She provided lots of advice, encouragement and freedom for me on the direction of my FYP throughout the journey, allowing me to learn a lot from the project.

I would also like to thank Dr Jonathon Teo. He was my lecturer for Linear Algebra I and my advisor in NUS Mathematics Society. Beyond advice related to courses he taught/Mathematics Society events, he was kind enough to provide thorough advice in module/course planning and encouraged me to take up the challenge of sitting for S-modules. Thanks to his encouragement, I took up the challenge and was able to grow a lot, both academically and personally.

I am very grateful for NUS Mathematics Society, for providing me with the platforms and opportunities to develop/demonstrate my soft skills (such as event organisation/planning, interpersonal communication, etc.) through organising different events, such as workshops and competitions. My participation and experience in NUS Mathematics Society tremendously contributed to my growth and career /future readiness in non-academic aspects.

I am grateful for every person and opportunity that I have encountered/been presented with. Each and every opportunity and experience I had throughout this four-year journey has contributed to shaping who I am today.

What advice would you offer to fellow students who are keen on choosing NUS Mathematics for their undergraduate education?

Be open to different, new aspects of Mathematics, as Mathematics is not just about problem-solving. A large part of NUS Mathematics is really about appreciating mathematics as it is, instead of merely as a tool to arrive at answers to problems.

University mathematics could be very different from pre-university or high school mathematics, so be prepared to dedicate a lot of time and effort to fully grasp concepts or understand any learnings. Consistency and discipline are key to effective learning.

Most importantly, amidst the academic stress and competition, remember to take care of yourself so that you’ll always be in a good condition for any challenges ahead. I wish you all the best!