MSc in Quantitative Finance (NUS-SJTU MQF) (Current Students)

MSc in Quantitative Finance (NUS-SJTU MQF) (Current Students)

  1. From AY2021/2022
  2. From AY2022/2023
  3. From AY2023/2024

Please note that there will be no supplementary examination. NUS requires a student who fails an essential course to repeat the course. A student may also enrol in extra elective courses to fulfil GPA requirements for graduation, this is subjected to extra course fees. 

For students who want to read extra non-listed cross-faculty course(s), you have to pay for the extra course fee.

Continuation Requirements

A student will be issued a warning for any semester in which his/her GPA falls below 3.00.

If in the following semester, the student’s GPA again falls below 3.00 but is above 2.50, he/she will be placed on probation.

The candidature of a student may be terminated if he/she obtains the following:

  1. A GPA of less than 2.50 for two consecutive semesters;
  2. A GPA of less than 3.00 for three consecutive semesters.

GPA for continuation is computed based on all courses read (be it pass or fail).

  1. For students admitted in 2022/23,  See here
  2. For students admitted in 2023/24,  See here

NUS Department of Mathematics will pre-register all NUS-offered courses for students. This would be done just before the course registration period is open. For courses offered in SJTU, please refer here.

When course registration starts, students will follow the same course registration procedure and schedule as other graduate students in the Faculty of Science.

Students will have to bear the consequences of their decisions in adding/dropping courses, especially if they choose to drop pre-registered courses. Consequences include delayed graduation due to poor study-planning.

Students are to ensure that they register for at least one course. If you have no intention to register for any course, please apply for Leave of Absence for the semester.

Not all courses are offered in the same semester or in the same pattern every year. Students are responsible in ensuring that they do not register for courses with any timetable clashes, and are able to attend classes and sit for examinations as scheduled.

Students must seek permission for course substitution by writing to the Department before the start of course registration in any semester.

Students are allowed to substitute up to two courses in the programme with other approved courses (at the same or higher levels) to fulfil the graduation requirements, subjected to departmental approval.

Students who have read and passed a course in the programme prior to admission into the programme will be required to read another course (at the same or higher level) approved by the Department.

Students are required to apply for Leave of Absence if they have to be away during their candidature or are unable to read any courses in any semester. 

Application for leave of absence should be submitted prior to the start of the semester. If a student applies for leave of absence after the second instructional week of the semester, he/she will be liable to pay fees for the entire semester.

A student who has to leave the programme for more than one year will have to withdraw from the programme.

All leave applications are to be submitted online. Students who are absent without leave are subject to disciplinary actions.