Overview | Information for Prospective Students | Information for Current Students

  • Students may study as a full-time student (1-2 years) or part-time student (2-4 years).
  • Not all the courses are offered in the same semester or in the same format every year. Students are responsible in ensuring that they do not register for courses with any timetable clashes, and are able to attend classes and sit for examinations as scheduled.
  • Students may refer to NUSMODS for the course timetable and exam time.

Graduation Requirement for AY2020 and AY2021 Intakes

  • Read and pass five core courses and five elective courses that are from at least two Graduate Certificate (GC) tracks/clusters as indicated in the course list (see course list for AY2020 and AY2021 intake).
  • Obtained a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 or, equivalently, an average grade of at least B-.

Graduation Requirement from AY2022 Intake onwards

  • ‎Read and pass five core courses and five elective courses that are in their respective approved course list.
  • Obtained a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 or, equivalently, an average grade of at least B-.

Continuation Requirement

  • Student will be issued a warning for any semester in which his/her GPA falls below 3.00. If in the following semester, the student’s GPA again falls below 3.00 but is above 2.50, he/she will be placed on probation.
  • Student’s candidature may be terminated if he/she obtains a GPA of less than 2.50 for two consecutive semesters or of a GPA less than 3.00 for three consecutive semesters.
  • GPA for continuation is computed based on all courses read, be it pass or fail.

Tuition Fee for 2022 intake

    • ‎International Students: Please click here to find out more.
    • Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident Students: Please click here to find out more.

    Tuition Fee for 2023 intake

    • ‎International Students: Please click here to find out more.
    • Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident Students: Please click here to find out more.

    Tuition Fee for 2024 intake

    • ‎International Students: Please click here to find out more.
    • Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident Students: Please click here to find out more.


    Miscellaneous student fees

    • This is compulsory and payable every semester, for which information can be found on the NUS Registar’s office website

    Payment of Fees

    • Payment can be made via GIRO for convenience.
      Other acceptable modes of payment include cheque, bank draft/cashier’s order, credit card, internet banking.
    • Cheque/bank draft/cashier’s order to be made in Singapore currency and payable to “National University of Singapore”.
    • Penalty charges will be levied on late payments.
    • Students have to register courses on the CourseReg@EduRec system by following the course registration procedure and schedule in the Faculty of Science.
    • Students will bear the consequences of their decisions in adding/dropping courses, which may result in a delay in their graduation if not planned properly.
    • Not all courses are offered in the same semester or in the same format every year. Courses offered are found here.
    • A full-time student may read up to five courses per regular semester, whereas a part-time student may read up to three courses per regular semester.
    • Students are responsible in ensuring that they do not register for courses with any timetable clashes, and are able to attend classes and sit for examinations as scheduled. Course timetable are found here.
    • Students are required to apply for Leave of Absence (LOA) online if they have to be away during their candidature or are unable to read any courses in a semester. Application for LOA should be submitted prior to the start of the semester.  Otherwise, a student will be liable to pay fees for the entire semester.
    • Leave may be granted for up to one year only and the period of absence will not be counted towards the maximum period of candidature.
    • A student who is absent from the programme for more than one year will have to withdraw from the programme.
    • Students who are absent without leave are subject to disciplinary actions.
    • Email AskMDSML@nus.edu.sg for any enquires regarding administration issues.
    • Email the programme director, Prof Ji Hui, for any queries on academic issues.

