The second Asian Quantitative Finance Seminar (AQFS) Online will be hosted by the Centre for Financial Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 12 Sep 2020 (Saturday) from 9:00pm to 12:00pm, HK time zone GMT+8, via Zoom.

Continuing the format of the first meeting, this event will consist of four or five talks, each of which includes a 20 minute presentation (by the speaker) plus a 10-minute discussion (by a discussant).

Submission requirements
If you are interested in contributing a talk for the seminar series, please send your manuscript to, based on the following requirements:
(1) subject line “AQF Seminar Series”
(2) the title page containing the Authors details
(3) a blinded manuscript with no author details as another separate file.

All submissions will be reviewed by scientific committee of the seminar series. Only unpublished complete manuscripts will be considered. Submission deadline: Aug 31 2020.

Scientific Committee
Jiro Akahori (Ritsumeikan U); Nan Chen (CUHK); Zengjing Chen (Shandong U); Min Dai (NUS); Masaaki Fukasawa (Osaka U); Xin Guo (UC Berkeley); Ying Hu (Univ Rennes); Hanqing Jin (Oxford); Wanmo Kang (KAIST); Steven Kou (Boston U); Yue-Kuen Kwok (HKUST); Duan Li (CityU of Hong Kong); Zhongfei Li (SYSU); Zongxia Liang (Tsinghua U); Jin Ma (USC); Huyen Pham (Paris 7); Shanjian Tang (Fudan U); Jie Xiong (SUSTech); Kazutoshi Yamazaki (Kansai U); Jingping Yang (Peking U); Jiongmin Yong (UCF); and Xunyu Zhou (Columbia U).