Industry Seminar on Business Data Network (BDN)

Industry Seminar on Business Data Network (BDN)

CQF   Industry Seminar on Business Data Network (BDN) Bowen Shen, Date: 14 Sep 2018 Time: 3pm – 4pm Venue: Blk S17, Seminar Room (S17-05-12) Open to all Math UG & PG students. Interested, please register via

About the Speaker

BDN Community Development Director


BDN (Business Data Network) is committed to building a decentralized global business data ecosystem via data validation and tokenization to connect business data supply and demand in the data market. BDN comprises the blockchain-based Distributed Data Chain (DDC), that provides a trusted data storage system on chain. This also consist of KYC verifications for all business data sources to ensure data stored on chain is trustworthy and secured. BDN consists of a Data Market, that improves business data value transparency and supports secured data transactions, massive data circulation and efficient data value exchange through a decentralized business data exchange. BDN also employs a Consumer Authorization System (CAS), that ensures consumers’ acknowledgement, authorization and revocation rights in the process of data circulation, in line with the GDPR requirements. BDN will use the blockchain technology to integrate the supply and demand of business and individual data, and work with parties of the BDN ecosystem to improve the data market and create innovative application scenarios. By this, BDN aims to establish a trusted multi-party data interoperability and value enhancement system, that will drive the development of the trillion dollar big data industry through trust. Purpose for this seminar is to promote blockchain technology knowledge learning; Introduction of BDN Project and technical/community discussion panel; Potential Internship, Part-time/Full-time opportunities in BDN.