Course & Tutorial Registration

Course & Tutorial Registration

Important Notes

All students are responsible in ensuring that:

    • They meet the prerequisites for the courses that they wish to register for (new graduate students who hold foreign qualifications should ensure that they have adequate background knowledge to read basic courses in the first year);
    • They are able to attend the classes and sit for the examinations as scheduled;
    • There are no class and examination timetable clashes in the courses registered in the same semester;
    • They plan their study wisely based on the graduation requirements.

Besides specific periods for registering for courses, there are also specific periods for dropping courses without and with penalty. These are clearly stated in the instructions for each category of students and must be adhered to.

Undergraduate students register for courses and tutorials (except for Honours Project course) using the CourseReg@EduRec system. For more information and instructions on using this system, visit CourseReg website.

S-courses are not open for online registration. Students who are keen to read them are required to submit applications for SPM/S-courses before the stipulated closing date. Successful applicants will be preallocated with the course/s.

Those who wish to work on UROPS are required to find a willing supervisor before they are allowed to register for the project via Science portal and then be preallocated with the course code.

Selected MA5xxx courses are open for registration but with limited vacancies. MA6xxx courses are not open for registration as they are generally not offered to undergraduate students, although students who are keen may appeal to be considered for preallocation.


For Cohorts AY2020/2021 and Earlier:

    • Honours Project courses (MA4199, QF4199, XFS4199Y) are not opened for online registration. The relevant course will be preallocated to eligible year 4 students, and students are required to set aside sufficient workload (at least 6 units) for preallocation.


For Cohorts AY2021/2022 Onwards:

    • More information would be available in due course.

While waiting for courses/tutorials to be allocated or appeals to be processed, students should continue to attend classes as planned.

Students may log on to myEduRec to check the courses and tutorials that have been registered.

Graduate students register for courses and tutorials using the CourseReg@EduRec system. For more information and instructions on using this system, visit CourseReg website.

While waiting for courses/tutorials to be allocated or appeals to be processed, students should continue to attend classes as planned.

Students may log on to myEduRec to check the courses and tutorials that have been registered.

For MSc / PhD in Mathematics by Research and MSc in Mathematics by Coursework:

    • A full-time student may read up to six courses per semester
    • A part-time student may read up to three courses per semester.

For MSc in Quantitative Finance:

    • A full-time student may read up to 5 courses per regular semester (not including ES course pre-designated by CELC) and up to (a total of) 3 courses for both Special Terms.
    • A part-time student may read up to 2 courses per regular semester (not including ES course pre-designated by CELC) and up to (a total of) 2 courses for both Special Terms.

For MSc in Data Science and Machine Learning:

    • A full-time student may read up to 5 courses per regular semester (not including ES course pre-designated by CELC) and up to (a total of) 2 courses for both Special Terms.
    • A part-time student may read up to 3 courses per regular semester (not including ES course pre-designated by CELC) and up to (a total of) 2 courses for both Special Terms.


There is no fixed schedule for MA5198. Students who are registering for it should follow the procedure below:

    • Register for the course MA5198 during course registration period;
    • Contact the faculty members who are in charge of organizing regular seminar series to register your name for the semester. You may register for any seminar series that interest you but you must register for at least 2 different series;
    • Participate in the seminars as scheduled. You are required to give (at least) one presentation in either seminar series;
    • An appointed coordinator for the semester would advise the students and be tasked to assess each student’s participation through the organizers of the seminar series. A student would normally consult his/her thesis supervisor and the organizers of the seminar series on their presentations.

The Department’s programmes operate on a modular system where courses are structured to be taught on a semester basis. Based on the list of courses offered in every semester and the graduation requirements outlined for a programme, students may choose to read any course as long as they meet the prerequisites and the timetable suits their schedules. Most students would select courses that interest them most or which fit with their area of focus.

Yes, as long as you have no problems coping with the schedule and that they are completed within the maximum candidature. MSc in Quantitative Finance/Data Science and Machine Learning students should note that they have to pay modular fee for courses read in excess of the 10 required for graduation.

You may read courses from other departments or Faculties, subject to the host department’s/Faculty’s approval. But you are only allowed to use a limited number of relevant courses to count towards your graduation.

MSc in Quantitative Finance/Data Science and Machine Learning students should give priority in reading courses required for graduation, and also note that they have to pay modular fee for courses read in excess of the 10 required for graduation.

Non-graduating students are required to first apply for courses at the pre-admission stage. By the time they arrive in NUS, they would have some pre-approved courses registered for them.

Certain courses are not open to Non-graduating students and such appeals will not be entertained. The list can be found at the course restriction list.

Those who wish to work on UROPS are required to find a willing supervisor before they are allowed to register for the project and the course code via Science portal.

They may add and drop courses at the beginning of a semester using the CourseReg@EduRec system. For more information and instructions on using this system, visit CourseReg website. The Registrar’s Office would convey the instructions and schedule to them.

While waiting for courses/tutorials to be allocated or appeals to be processed, students should continue to attend classes as planned.

Students may log on to myEduRec to check the courses and tutorials that have been registered.