Current MSc Research Students

Current MSc Research Students

Graduation Requirement for MSc (by Research) students

Students admitted up until AY2022/23: Click here

Students admitted from AY2023/24 onwards: Click here

Continuation Requirement (MSc by Research)

  • A student will be issued a warning for any semester in which his/her GPA falls below 3.00.

  • If in the following semester, the student’s GPA again falls below 3.00 but above 2.50, he/she will be placed on probation.

  • The candidature of a student may be terminated if he/she obtains the following:

    • A GPA of less than 2.50 for two consecutive semesters;
    • A GPA of less than 3.00 for three consecutive semesters.

  • GPA for continuation is computed based on all courses read (be it pass or fail) and regardless of whether they are counted towards graduation later on.

Unless otherwise stated, Graduate students are expected to register for courses themselves at Course Registration at Education Records System (CourseReg@EduRec). Students are also strongly encouraged to refer to the CourseReg User Guide for Students, which provides screenshots on how to navigate with CourseReg.

Students can check the ‘Courses & Timetables‘ section to find out about curriculum update, courses offered, courses & tutorial registration and class and examination timetables.

Courses Offered

Students can refer to ‘Courses Offered‘ page to find out what Courses are offered in the Academic Year. 

Subject to departmental approval, students are allowed to substitute up to two MA-courses with approved level 5000 courses offered by other departments to fulfill the graduation requirements. 

Important Notes:

  1. Graduation requirements for programme: 3 MA courses in the basic elective list must be completed and cannot be substituted.
  2. Departmental Approval: While students do not need to seek internal approval to take courses coded as QF5xxx, DSA5xxx, ST5xxx or CS5xxx, please inform department about your intention to substitute the non MA coded course with a corresponding MA-coded elective. Submit your intention via the e-form.
  3. For other courses not stated in point (2), students must seek permission by writing to the Department before the start of course registration in any semester.
  4. For QF5xxx, DSA5xxx, ST5xxx or CS5xxx, while students do not require the permission of the department to apply for these courses, the approval of these courses are determined by the MDSML/MQF programme managers, Department of Statistics and Data Science or the School of Computing.



  1. Go to NUSMODS to retrieve the course description of the course that you wish to read as a substitute for MA-coded course.
  2. Submit your request for course substitution via this link at the start of the semester. Deadline for course substitution request: End of 1st instructional Week of Semester.
  3. Department Administrator will share the requests with Associate Prof Cai Zhenning  to seek his approval by Week 2, Wednesday.
  4. If you are a newly admitted student requesting for credit transfers together with course substitution, then the transcript that you should send is your last undergraduate transcript.
  5. Once the request is supported, proceed to do a “submit course request” through CourseReg. Please refer to the CourseReg schedule to find out the date where ‘Submit Couse Request’ function is available in the system.
  6. Final approval can only be granted by the course host. For e.g. ST5214 is owned by Department of Statistics and Data Science (DSDS). If student submits request to read the course, DSDS will make a decision on your request. 
  7. Students are strongly encouraged to read up more information on CourseReg since all course registration must be done through this system.


  • The Department requires all MSc (by Research) students to confirm a thesis advisor (previously known as supervisor) by the end of their first year in NUS.


Thesis Matters

  • Information on thesis submission may be obtained from the Student Portal.


Leave Application

  • There are various type of leave schemes available to Graduate Students. Please click here for more information. 

Students who met their graduation requirements are not required to file for graduation as Department will do this for you. Please click the respective link below to find out information about: