Honours Project Timelines

Honours Project Timelines

Information on this page currently applies to students who were admitted to NUS in AY2020/2021 and earlier. 

Students, supervisors and examiners are to adhere to the instructions and deadlines provided in the timelines.

Activity Timeline Remarks
Allocation of Projects By Week 1 in the first semester of project work
  • Department to allocate projects based on project preference ranking exercise. 
  • Due to a very small intake, eligible students who start project work in Semester 2 would usually be grouped into one project group with a topic suitable for both MA and AM majors, i.e. there would not be any project preference ranking exercise.
Regular Meetings Start from Week 2 in the first semester of project work
  • Must not be later than Week 3.
Final Meeting By Week 8 in the second semester of project work
  • Must not be later than Week 8.
Project Report 5pm, Friday of Week 11 in the second semester of project work
  • Students to submit reports as follows:
      1. Save the report in PDF format (max file size 2MB) with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER as the file name, e.g A1234567C.
      2. If there are programming files related to the project, save them in one zip folder with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER_PROG as the file name, e.g A1234567C_PROG.
      3. Log in to CANVAS (requires login with valid NUSNET ID).
      4. Look for MA4199 or QF4199, depending on your major (you should already be enrolled in one of them).
      5. Go to Assignments > select Thesis & Programming Submission > upload the PDF file and zip folder (if applicable).

This folder opens from Monday of Week 10 and closes after the stipulated deadline. Late submissions would have to be done via other modes. Online submission is time-logged and late submissions are subject to marks penalty.

Project Assessment & Grading 5pm, Friday of the Reading Week in the second semester of project work
  • Supervisors to submit project assessment and grading to the Department.
Project Amendment, if any 4.30pm, the last working day of the Reading Week in the second semester of project work

Students who are not required to make amendments to their reports may ignore this step. 

  • Students who are required to make amendments to their reports are to submit amended reports as follows:
      1. Save the amended report in PDF format (max file size 2MB) with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER_AMENDED as the file name, e.g. A1234567C_AMENDED.
      2. Log in to CANVAS and upload the file to the same folder as per earlier submission.

This folder opens from Monday of Week 13 and closes after the stipulated deadline and late submissions would have to be done via other modes. Online submission is time-logged and late submissions are subject to marks penalty.

Updated 7 Jun 2024

Week, Date Activity Remarks


Up to 02 Aug 2024

Preparation and project soliciting/ allocation
  • Students are advised to pick up skills in typesetting (for example Latex) and to read up on background materials for the project. They do not need to see their supervisors during this period.

Start of semester

05 Aug 2024

Project work begins
  • Students to fix consultation appointments with supervisors on their own.
  • Project module MA4199/QF4199/XFS4199M will be pre-allocated to students during module registration period. Students to set aside sufficient workload (half the module’s MC per semester) for pre-allocation.
  • Note:

Students should confirm their supervisor and preliminary project title by Monday of week 2. If they are unable to do so after trying, they must inform the Department by Monday of week 2 and indicate if they are willing to be allocated to any available Project cum Seminar Groups instead.

  • Project marks will be deducted from students who do not secure project supervisors by end of week 3 (this was implemented since Semester 2, 2013/14).

Semester 1, Week 7-9

30 Sept – 18 Oct 2024

Introductory Talk
  • Each student presents a 15-20 minutes talk together with 8-10 minutes discussion and questioning.
  • Presentations must be completed within the given dates.
  • Students would be notified by email with instructions when room reservation period is open. They are to consult their supervisors for availability before making room reservations. Examiners are not required to be present at these talks.
  • All seminar rooms in the Department are equipped with LCD projectors.
  • Students who miss the reservation deadline:
      • may affect fellow students in fulfilling their quota for attendance at talks; and
      • risk having his/her project being penalized for being late.

Semester 2, Week 1-2

13 – 24 Jan 2025

Mid-term Progress Talk
  • Each student presents a 25-35 minutes talk together with 15-20 minutes discussion and questioning.
  • Presentations must be completed within the given dates.
  • Students would be notified by email with instructions when room reservation period is open. They are to consult their supervisors for availability before making room reservations. Examiner’s attendance is optional – students may wish to consult examiners before booking room, in case examiners wish to sit in.
  • All seminar rooms in the Department are equipped with LCD projectors.
  • Students who miss the reservation deadline:
      • may affect fellow students in fulfilling their quota for attendance at talks; and
      • risk having his/her project being penalized for being late.

Semester 2, Week 7

By 4.30pm, 07 Mar 2025

Project Thesis submission
  • Students submit Project Thesis for assessment and grading:
      1. Save the project file in PDF format (max file size 2MB) with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER as the file name, e.g A1234567C.
      2. Save programming files related to the project (if any) in one zip folder with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER as the file name, e.g. A1234567C.
      3. Log in to CANVAS (requires login with valid NUSNET ID).
      4. Look for MA4199 or QF4199 or XFS4199M, depending on your major (you should already be enrolled in one of them).
      5. Go to Assignments > select Thesis & Programming Submission > upload the PDF file and programming zip folder (if any).

This folder opens from Monday of Recess Week and closes after the stipulated deadline. Late submissions would have to be done via other modes. Online submission is time-logged and late submissions are subject to marks penalty.

Semester 2, Week 8-9

10 Mar – 21 Mar 2025

Evaluation of Project
  • Supervisors and examiners read and grade projects.

Semester 2, Week 11-12

31 Mar – 11 Apr 2025

Oral Presentation & Interview
  • Presentations must be completed within the given dates.
  • Students would be notified by email with instructions when room reservation period is open. They are to consult their supervisors and examiners for availability before making room reservations.
  • Students are generally interviewed immediately after the presentation. Supervisors and examiners would arrange for the interview venue if the presentation venue is not available.
  • All seminar rooms in the Department are equipped with LCD projectors.
  • Students who wish to practice their presentations should also reserve time slots beforehand by writing to the Department. Supervisors do not sit in at practice sessions/rehearsals.
  • Students who miss the reservation deadline:
      • may affect fellow students in fulfilling their quota for attendance at talks; and
      • risk having his/her project being penalized for being late.

Semester 2, Week 12 to 13 

07 –18 Apr 2025

Amendment of Project Thesis
  • (If applicable) Students make recommended changes to their projects.

Semester 2, Reading Week

By 4.30pm, 25 Apr 2025

Submission and Assessment of Amended Thesis

Students who are not required to make amendments may ignore this step.

  • Students who are required to make amendments to submit amended projects for final assessment:
      1. Save the project file in PDF format (max file size 2MB) with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER_AMENDED as the file name, e.g. A1234567C_AMENDED.
      2. Log in to CANVAS and upload to the same folder as per first submission.

This folder re-opens from Monday of Week 12 and closes after the stipulated deadline. Late submissions would have to be done via other modes. Online submission is time-logged and late submissions are subject to marks penalty.

Updated 29 Jan 2024

Week, Date Activity Remarks


Up to 14 Jan 2024

Preparation and project soliciting/ allocation
  • Students are advised to pick up skills in typesetting (for example Latex) and to read up on background materials for the project. They do not need to see their supervisors during this period.

Start of semester

15 Jan 2024

Project work begins
  • Compulsory briefing for all new honours students. Students to check email for time and mode of briefing.
  • Students to fix consultation appointments with supervisors on their own.
  • Project course MA4199/QF4199/XFS4199M will be pre-allocated to students during course registration period. Students to set aside sufficient workload (half the course’s MC per semester) for pre-allocation.
  • Note:

Students should confirm their supervisor and preliminary project title by Monday of week 2. If they are unable to do so after trying, they must inform the Department by Monday of week 2 and indicate if they are willing to be allocated to any available Project cum Seminar Groups instead.

  • Project marks will be deducted from students who do not secure project supervisors by end of week 3 (this was implemented since Semester 2, 2013/14).

Semester 2, Week 7-9

04 Mar – 22 Mar 2024

Introductory Talk
  • Each student presents a 15-20 minutes talk together with 8-10 minutes discussion and questioning.
  • Presentations must be completed within the given dates.
  • Students would be notified by email with instructions when room reservation period is open. They are to consult their supervisors for availability before making room reservations. Examiners are not required to be present at these talks.
  • All seminar rooms in the Department are equipped with LCD projectors.
  • Students who miss the reservation deadline:
      • may affect fellow students in fulfilling their quota for attendance at talks; and
      • risk having his/her project being penalized for being late.

Semester 1, Week 1-2

12 – 23 Aug 2024

Mid-term Progress Talk
  • Each student presents a 25-35 minutes talk together with 15-20 minutes discussion and questioning.
  • Presentations must be completed within the given dates.
  • Students would be notified by email with instructions when room reservation period is open. They are to consult their supervisors for availability before making room reservations. Examiner’s attendance is optional – students may wish to consult examiners before booking room, in case examiners wish to sit in.
  • All seminar rooms in the Department are equipped with LCD projectors.
  • Students who miss the reservation deadline:
      • may affect fellow students in fulfilling their quota for attendance at talks; and
      • risk having his/her project being penalized for being late.

Semester 1, Week 7

By 4.30pm, 04 Oct 2024

Project Thesis submission
  • Students submit Project Thesis for assessment and grading:
      1. Save the project file in PDF format (max file size 2MB) with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER as the file name, e.g A1234567C.
      2. Save programming files related to the project (if any) in one zip folder with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER as the file name, e.g. A1234567C.
      3. Log in to CANVAS (requires login with valid NUSNET ID).
      4. Look for MA4199 or QF4199 or XFS4199M, depending on your major (you should already be enrolled in one of them).
      5. Go to Assignments > select Thesis & Programming Submission > upload the PDF file and programming zip folder (if any).

This folder opens from Monday of Recess Week and closes after the stipulated deadline. Late submissions would have to be done via other modes. Online submission is time-logged and late submissions are subject to marks penalty.

Semester 1, Week 8-9

07 Oct – 18 Oct 2024

Evaluation of Project
  • Supervisors and examiners read and grade projects.

Semester 1, Week 10-11

21 Oct – 1 Nov 2024

Oral Presentation & Interview
  • Presentations must be completed within the given dates.
  • Students would be notified by email with instructions when room reservation period is open. They are to consult their supervisors and examiners for availability before making room reservations.
  • Students are generally interviewed immediately after the presentation. Supervisors and examiners would arrange for the interview venue if the presentation venue is not available.
  • All seminar rooms in the Department are equipped with LCD projectors.
  • Students who wish to practice their presentations should also reserve time slots beforehand by writing to the Department. Supervisors do not sit in at practice sessions/rehearsals.
  • Students who miss the reservation deadline:
      • may affect fellow students in fulfilling their quota for attendance at talks; and
      • risk having his/her project being penalized for being late.

Semester 1, Week 12 to 13 

04 –15 Nov 2024

Amendment of Project Thesis
  • (If applicable) Students make recommended changes to their projects.

Semester 1, Reading Week

By 4.30pm, 22 Nov 2024

Submission and Assessment of Amended Thesis

Students who are not required to make amendments may ignore this step.

  • Students who are required to make amendments to submit amended projects for final assessment:
      1. Save the project file in PDF format (max file size 2MB) with your STUDENT CARD NUMBER_AMENDED as the file name, e.g. A1234567C_AMENDED.
      2. Log in to CANVAS and upload to the same folder as per first submission.

This folder re-opens from Monday of Week 12 and closes after the stipulated deadline. Late submissions would have to be done via other modes. Online submission is time-logged and late submissions are subject to marks penalty.