Major in Applied Mathematics

Major in Applied Mathematics

Students who are admitted from AY1999/2000 to AY2020/2021 graduate with B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons) with Major in Applied Mathematics.

This programme is not available to students who are admitted from AY2021/2022.

When referring to the sample study plans and programme requirements, students should follow those that correspond to their year of admission.

The sample study plans serve to help students better plan their studies. 

Students are also advised to have some understanding of the prerequisites of the courses they want to read, and to pay due attention to those courses which are prerequisites of other courses in later studies. They may use the NUS Mods for this purpose. This is especially important for students intending to pursue Honours/Specializations and multiple Major/Minor combinations. 

It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that the graduation requirements applicable to his/her cohort will be satisfied within the given candidature. As courses offered by the Department of Mathematics may vary from year to year, it would be in a student’s interest to have several options for his/her study plan.


These sample schedules may also be useful in planning – example A for slow-pace progression, and example B for fast-pace progression.

Students will follow the requirements that correspond to their year of admission:

Yes, since the definition of UE means it could be a module from any department or faculty. But note that the modular credit (MC) for each module may only be counted once.

Yes, since CS module is offered by another faculty (School of Computing). But note that the modular credit (MC) for the module may only be counted once.

Yes, since CS-coded modules are also categorized under the Computing Sciences subject group which are outside your major subject group.

CS1101C and CS1101S are different versions of CS1101 that are offered to selected group of students. Their course content vary slightly from CS1101.

CS1101X/Y/Z are simply different lecture groups of CS1101 and students may choose to read any of these groups. While students with experience in programming or who are confident to be in a class of students with experience in programming may register for CS1101X, those without experience should go for CS1101Y or CS1101Z.

From AY2010/2011, they are replaced by CS1010/CS1010E/CS1010S.

As CS50 Introduction to Computer Science from EdX is not equivalent to CS1010S (or its variant), CS50 will not serve as pre-requisite for higher computing modules. Also, there is a one-way preclusion in place, where students who have read CS50 will be precluded from reading CS1010S. Students who are required to read CS1010S (or its variant) as part of their majors/second majors/minors are to take CS1010S (or its variant) instead of CS50. For students who have taken CS50 but are required to read CS1010S (or its variant) as part of their majors/second majors/minors, please write to SOC to be allowed to take CS1010S (or its variant) and CS50 will be counted towards the UE. Please also note that the number of credits transferred for CS50 is subject to the maximum 8 MCs allowed for DYOM. For example, if a student has already completed 5 MCs worth of edX MOOCs, only 3 MCs (and not 5 MCs) can be counted for CS50.

No, because of the restriction of no more than 1/3 module overlap in both Majors.

Yes. However, the course structure for Quantitative Finance is very packed due to its multidisciplinary nature. As such, you would have time disadvantage if you were to read such a combination.

If you insist on reading such a combination, note that only the three modules – MA1101R, MA1102R and MA1104/MA2104 – and at most two other modules may be used to satisfy both Major requirements.

This is only applicable for students reading this Double Major combination under the old structure. It does not apply for the new Second Major programmes.

Only the three modules – MA1101R, MA1102R and MA2101 – and at most two other modules may be used to satisfy both Major requirements.

This is only applicable for students reading this Double Major combination under the old structure. It does not apply for the new Second Major programmes.

(Computational Science ≠ Computer Science)

Only the two modules – MA1101R and MA1102R – and at most three other modules may be used to satisfy both Major requirements.

This is only applicable for students reading this Double Major combination under the old structure. It does not apply for the new Second Major programmes.

(Computational Science ≠ Computer Science)

At most two CZ modules may be used to satisfy both Major and Minor requirements.

You must satisfy all the following conditions:

    1. Use the following modules to count towards the programme requirements of both Majors:
        • CS1101/CS1101C/CS1101S/CS1010/CS1010E/CS1010S or CZ1102/IT1006
        • MA1101R,
        • MA1102R,
        • MA2108/MA2108S,
        • MA2216/ST2131;
    2. You are not allowed to use modules other than those listed above to count towards the programme requirements of both Majors;
    3. Cohorts AY2014/2015 or earlier: You must read three additional MA or ST modules at level 2000 or above, and which are not overlapping with any other modules used to satisfy the respective Primary Major or Second Major requirements. The additional MA or ST modules must belong to the elective lists of the Primary Major or Second Major.
    4. Cohort AY2014/2015: You must read one additional MA or ST modules at level 2000 or above, and which are not overlapping with any other modules used to satisfy the respective Primary Major or Second Major requirements. The additional MA or ST modules must belong to the elective lists of the Primary Major or Second Major
    5. Cohort AY2016/2017 onwards: You must satisfy the following conditions:
        1. Use the following modules to count towards the programme requirements of both Majors:
            • CS1010S,
            • MA1101R,
            • MA1102R,
            • MA2108/MA2108S,
            • MA2216/ST2131;
        2. You are not allowed to use modules other than those listed above to count towards the programme requirements of both Majors;
        3. You must read one additional MA or ST modules at level 2000 or above, and which are not overlapping with any other modules used to satisfy the respective Primary Major or Second Major requirements. The additional MA or ST modules must belong to the elective lists of the Primary Major or Second Major.

Students who were admitted directly to read Primary Major in Mathematics with Second Major in Management should note that:

    • BSP1703 Managerial Economics and DSC1704 Decision Analytics would be pre-allocated in Semester 2 of Year 1 of their candidature.
    • Both modules will only be pre-allocated once. If they drop any of them after pre-allocation, they would have to ballot for the module/s regardless of the reasons for dropping.
    • If they drop the module/s and choose to read them in other semesters within their candidature, they would have to ballot for the module/s.