Second Major in Mathematics

Second Major in Mathematics

Important Notes

This is an open programme and students who wish to pursue it may declare via APAD in EduRec (latest) before the start of the fifth semester of study in NUS.

It is the students’ responsibility to strategize and plan to complete the requirements by the time they are due to graduate.

Students who are admitted in AY2020/2021 or earlier, and reading one of the following Primary Majors or Minors are not allowed to read a Second Major in Mathematics:

    • Primary Major in Mathematics
    • Primary Major in Applied Mathematics
    • Primary Major in Quantitative Finance
    • Primary Major in Data Science & Analytics
    • Minor in Mathematics
    • Minor in Financial Mathematics

Students who are admitted from AY2021/2022 and reading one of the following Primary or Minors are not allowed to read a Second Major in Mathematics:

    • Primary Major in Mathematics
    • Primary Major in Data Science and Analytics
    • Minor in Mathematics.

Programme Requirements

Students will follow the requirements that correspond to their year of admission:


Cohorts AY2014/2015 to AY2020/2021:

You may use the following courses, up to 16 MCs, to double count towards the graduation requirements of both Majors:

    • MA1101R
    • MA1102R
    • MA2108/MA2108S
    • MA2216/ST2131
    • ST2132

No other course may be used to double count towards the graduation requirements of both Majors.

    1. You may use up to four common courses (16 MCs) which are essential in your Primary Major and which satisfy the requirements for Second Major in Mathematics.
    2. If there are more than four such common courses (i.e. X), you must read an equivalent number of extra MA courses (i.e. X-4) at the same level or higher to satisfy the remaining requirements for Second Major in Mathematics.