MA1301 Proficiency Test

MA1301 Proficiency Test

MA1301 Proficiency Test

In general, freshmen without good H2 pass (or equivalent) in Mathematics/Further Mathematics are required to read MA1301 as a bridging course as one of their regular courses.

These students may choose to sit for the MA1301 Proficiency Test to assess if they have adequate background. If they pass the test, they would be deemed to have a good H2 pass (or equivalent) in Mathematics/Further Mathematics. Otherwise, they would have to read ‏MA1301, provided they satisfy the prerequisite.

Freshmen with polytechnic diploma or IB Math qualifications can refer to to determine whether they are would be considered to have good H2 pass (or equivalent) in Mathematics/Further Mathematics.

The MA1301 Proficiency Test is held in early July every year. Note that this is a proficiency test and NOT an advanced placement credit test. Freshmen who pass the test would not be given any grades or unit for MA1301

In addition, students who are reading or who have read MA1301FC/MA1301X are not allowed to sit for the proficiency test. 

    1. This is a face-to-face test.
    2.  You have 120 minutes to complete the questions.
    3. Allowed one piece of A4 size self-prepared help sheet and non-graphing calculator.
    4. This test is OPEN BOOK. No formula list is provided.


    • More information on the arrangement of the test may be communicated to the applicants through emails. All applicants are advised to check their emails regularly.

Updated 19 Feb 2024

Test schedule for AY2024/2025 cohort:


Wednesday, 3 July 2024





Application will close after 5pm, 25 June 2024

(Online form is open on the day after NUS Open Day till one week before test date)

There is no shortlisting exercise for this test and no reminders will be sent. Applicants should turn up for the test as scheduled.

    • Sets & Venn Diagrams – set notations, union & intersection of sets, complements, subsets, Venn diagrams.
    • Functions – domain, range, composite functions, inverse of a function.
    • Quadratic & Cubic Equations – nature of roots of quadratic equations, remainder and factor theorem, solving cubic equations by factorisation.
    • Inequalities – solving inequalities involving rational functions and absolute-value functions.
    • Binomial Theorem – the use of binomial theorem to expand (a + b)^n where n is a rational number.
    • Sequences & Series – arithmetic and geometric progressions, the sigma notations.
    • Partial Fractions – to express a rational function in partial fractions in cases where the denominator is a product of two or more linear and/or quadratic expressions.
    • Mathematical Induction – proving statements involving summation of finite series
    • Trigonometry – graphs, identities, equations.
    • Complex Numbers – real and imaginary part, conjugate, modulus, argument, operations on complex numbers, Argand diagram, polar form of complex numbers.
    • Differentiation – chain, product and quotient rules, derivatives of composition of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, derivatives of functions defined implicitly or parametrically.
    • Applications of differentiation –  equations of tangents and normals to curves, curve sketching, problems involving connected rates of change, small increments, maxima and minima.
    • Integration – integrals involving a combination of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration involving the use of partial fractions, integration involving trigonometric identities, integration by substitution, integration by parts.
    • Applications of integration – area under a curve, volume of solid of revolution.
    • Pure Mathematics 1 by L Bostock and S Chandler
    • College Mathematics Volume 1 by Ho Soo Thong, Tay Yong Chiang and Koh Khee Meng
    • Introductory Mathematics (Revised Edition) by Ng Wee Seng, McGraw-Hill