Special Programme in Mathematics

Special Programme in Mathematics

Started in December 2005, this programme is specially designed for a select group of students who have a strong passion and aptitude for the mathematical sciences. It consists of a number of specially designed courses (“S-courses”) in foundational mathematics, which are taught in much greater depth and sophistication than their regular versions. In addition and under the close mentorship of faculty members, students participate in two semesters of undergraduate seminars in the form of topic courses.


Participants of the SPM have enhanced opportunities for undergraduate research programmes locally and overseas, as well as graduate programmes at the Department of Mathematics in NUS. Through SPM, students will build a firm foundation to pursue graduate programmes and future careers in the mathematical sciences.


From 2014, students who have completed the programme will have it reflected in their NUS official transcripts.

Updated 23 July 2022

Students who intend to apply for the SPM should have obtained one of the following:

    • a very good grade in MA1100T (for those admitted from AY2021/22); or
    • very good grades in MA1100/CS1231 and MA1101R/MA2001 and MA1102R/MA2002/MA1521; or
    • official exemption for the above courses.

Students in the SPM should generally be majoring in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, though strong students majoring in Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science or Engineering are also welcome to apply.

Yes, you may read S-courses without being admitted to SPM but the same application and approval procedure (for SPM) applies.

No. A student enrols in SPM by signing up for his/her first S-course.

No. Students reading S-courses attend separate lectures, tutorials and exams from students reading non-S-courses. The tutorials are 2-hour long (regular tutorials are 1-hour long).

Yes but subject to approval. Students enrolled in SPM are allowed to map up to one overseas mathematics course to S-course. The overseas course must be honours courses and approval from mathematics department must be obtained before embarking on the programme. The application to map courses should be submitted according to existing procedure.

It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that the graduation requirements applicable to his/her cohort will be satisfied within the given candidature. As courses offered by the Department of Mathematics may vary from year to year, it would be in a student’s interest to have several options for his/her study plan.

The following sample study plans serve to help students better plan their studies. Students may also plan a different combination depending on their personal interests and circumstances.

In order to complete the SPM, a participant must pass 6 out of the following 7 courses:

    • MA2101S    Linear Algebra II (S)
    • MA2108S    Mathematical Analysis I (S)
    • MA2202S    Algebra I (S)
    • MA3110S    Mathematical Analysis II (S)
    • MA3111S    Complex Analysis I (S)
    • MA4291     Undergraduate Topics in Mathematics I
    • MA4292     Undergraduate Topics in Mathematics II

SPM students may read two level 5000 courses (except for those listed below) in lieu of MA4291 and MA4292, subject to the approval of the Department.

    • MA5203    Graduate Algebra I
    • MA5205    Graduate Analysis I
    • MA5245    Advanced Financial Mathematics
    • MA5248    Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Finance

When an SPM student goes for Student Exchange Programme, he/she may read an equivalent overseas course in place of one S-course. Each student is only allowed to replace one S-course this way.

In order to complete the SPM, a participant must pass the following courses:

    • MA2101S    Linear Algebra II (S)
    • MA2108S    Mathematical Analysis I (S)
    • MA2202S    Algebra I (S)
    • MA3111S/MA3211S    Complex Analysis I (S)
    • MA4291     Undergraduate Topics in Mathematics I
    • MA4292     Undergraduate Topics in Mathematics II

SPM students may read two level 5000 courses (except for those listed below) in lieu of MA4291 and MA4292, subject to the approval of the Department.

    • MA5203    Graduate Algebra I
    • MA5205    Graduate Analysis I
    • MA5245    Advanced Financial Mathematics
    • MA5248    Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Finance

When an SPM student goes for Student Exchange Programme, he/she may read an equivalent overseas course in place of one S-course. Each student is only allowed to replace one S-course this way‎.

Updated 26 Feb 2021

In order to complete the SPM, a participant must pass the following courses:

    • MA2101S    Linear Algebra II (S)
    • MA2108S    Mathematical Analysis I (S)
    • MA2202S    Algebra I (S)
    • MA3211S    Complex Analysis I (S)
    • Two courses coded MA42xx
    • Two courses coded MA52xx, except MA5203 and MA5205

When an SPM student goes for Student Exchange Programme, he/she may read an equivalent overseas course in place of one S-course. Each student is only allowed to replace one S-course this way.

Important Notes

    1. Applicants will be informed of the outcome via email.
    2. Before the application outcome is released, students should proceed to register for the non-S version of the courses.
    3. Approved courses will be added for students during course registration period. Students should ensure that there will not be any class and exam timetable clashes, otherwise the system will not allow the course to be registered.
    4. Late applications will not be accepted.

Supporting Documents Required with Application

Save the following documents in one PDF file (using your name as the file name, e.g. John_Nash and with max file size at 2MB):

      • Transcript or past semester’s results.

Application Closing Date

5pm on the Monday of Week 1 (academic calendar) in a semester.

To Apply

(The application site will open on the same day as the start of CourseReg Round 1 for each semester.)

Please click the link below to apply.
